Saturday, 9 June 2012

Process shots

Some process shots of one of my finals (I forgot to put them up earlier). This is for the 'angry' image, thinking of a background was kinda hard it was difficult to not make it look scary rather than angry. I'd thought about doing storm clouds but thought that might fit 'sad' better. My finals came out quite different to my initial sketches but that usually happens after I scan in sketches and mess around with them on PS.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Collections: Colour Finals

These are my final pieces (I never got to finish the last one in time, but will for the exhibition!) For some reason when I uploaded these earlier the images didn't show? But hopefully they work now. I think I'm quite pleased with the outcomes, I thought the anger one would be the hardest but its the one I like the best. I think I probably should have chosen a different colour for the hair on the second one as it blends into the background a bit too much but overall I like the turn out.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Colour Expressions

Some more color stuff. I was seeing whether changing the colour of an image gives a different impression or doesn't it make much difference at all? Is the red angry face more angry than the others or not? Also are other colours needed to put across a certain emotion? I'll try these again with different hues of red, blue and yellow based off the results from my previous post.

Colour Test

A colour test for my current project. I collected 12 different hues of red, blue and yellow and am currently in the process of asking others which colour represents a certain mood. So for red 'danger' and 'anger', for blue 'soothing/calming' and for yellow 'happiness/sunny'. I'll edit this later with the results which I'm tallying up.

Red is a little more tricky as it doesn't have just one word people easily associate it with. With yellow most people usually think 'happy' or 'sunny' , blue is usually calming while with red it's usually a mix of anger, danger, love, and even gore.